Fuck computers! I am so pissed right now. Yesterday my computer decided to crash and erase everything I had saved. Almost two years worth of save school work, writing, music, pictures, and anything else I had saved. I'm so angry! everything is just gone. Oh and all my book marks I had saved on google chrome disappeared as well. I had so much important shit saved on my computer. I'm so angry and upset!
so needles to say I wont be posting any pictures today because I have to go find new pictures. I had like 500 pictures saved. yeah I need to go do something calming before I throw this fucking laptop through a window.
intake as of 1:05 pm
Black coffee(0) strawberries and grape fruit salad(80)
Maybe you can take it to a computer tech and they can get all of your saved work off of it and save it to a USB drive. But then again, that cost money. Ironically right before I read this, I read my horiscope and it said that I would have problems with technology today(computer based) and I have. You wouldn't happen to be a capricorn would you? Keep your head up, things will work out for you eventually.