That what this is. this feeling. it all consuming. and its suffocating. and I don't know how I'm still alive. I know if I take my meds It will go away but I can't force my hand to open that fucking orange bottle. So I don't, I just keep on feeling like there's a hurricane inside my veins.
And I know this whole state of mind is unhealthy but I have no urge to eat, and feel infinitely creative so I'm just rolling with it. Going with the flow of insanity. I'm eager to see were it drops me.
4:05 am
I should be asleep but I feel like things need to be done, theres places I need to be. Things I need to see
todays(or I guess yesterdays sense it now a new day) intake
black coffee(0), 5 grapes (18)
small salad no dressing(80) boiled egg(50)
1/2 cup of chicken noodle soup(70)
3 cucumber sticks(5?)
I feel like this blog is already slipping, it barely ever about food or eating it just about me whining.
the beauty of having your own blog is that it can be about whateverthefuck you want it to be about. i'm curious to see where it drops you, too, so long as it drops you somewhere safe. stay strong, darling.