Monday, July 11, 2011

Am I That girl

I am utterly and foolishly falling for misha. my day now consist of three things. Spending time with Misha, worrying about food, and avoiding my parents. I feel sort of pathetic.

I'm not that girl, that girl that falls for boys, and spends all their time with said boy. I'm just not. I'm foolish and fun, and sexy. I've always been the slightly awkward party girl. Now I'm out of school, and I need to get my shit together.

Now who am I? now what kind of girl am I? I'm a girl who works at the liquor store a block away, who worries about calories and the boy next door. I'm not so sure I want to be that girl.

luckily I avoided Misha at all the meals so i didn't have to explain my lack of eating.


1 comment:

  1. looks like you have a chance to reinvent yourself and be exatly what/who you want to be - if you can work out what that is, however.
    just rememember to do the things that make you happy
